Part of the family!

Electrifying Behavioural Training for Marauding Seagulls!

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The Evil Ice Cream website and products are part of the family. We specialise is new and unique products for a number of markets worldwide. The prototype Evil Ice Cream was built and trialled in the summer of 2018 and we are very happy to be offering it for sale to the wider public. We have a number of other products under development right now. They will also be available here on this website throughout 2019 and beyond. If you have any questions, suggestions for improvements or new product ideas then please ping us a message HERE.

Please be aware that Evil Ice Cream products are part of the family. All purchases will be processed through Zuggans and therefore all receipts will show as Zuggans and NOT Evil Ice Cream. Buy with confidence, we are very happy to help with any questions or issues.

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